Full Day Preschool for 3 & 4 year olds
Early Childhood Academy
St. Matthew Parish School provides a unique Christ-centered learning environment for young children in an interactive and supportive atmosphere where a growing awareness of God, self, and the world can be nurtured and fostered.
Our program incorporates best practices which support learning language and vocabulary, phonological awareness, knowledge of the alphabet, concepts of print, read-alouds and writing, teaches math concepts, encourages curiosity in the sciences, arts, and technology.
SMPS Preschool is a full-day program, five days per week. We offer a mixed age classroom for 3 & 4-year-olds. A limited number of half-day opportunities are available if we have space. Class size is capped at 20 students per classroom which is staffed with a full-time teacher and a teacher support professional.
Full Day Kindergarten, First, & Second Grades
Primary Academy
Our Primary Academy consists of grades Kindergarten through Second Grade. Our students are very busy reading and writing with their SuperKids program. Our Kindergartners learn about two different types of sentences – telling and asking. Our First graders learn how to organize their paragraphs for a pre-write. Second graders use chapter books as part of their SuperKids curriculum.
All the children learn Math with enVision – a spiraling program from Pearson. Our core subjects are reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. Learning takes place in both large and small groups with station work providing one on one attention for all students. Flexible seating opportunities exist in the 1st and 2nd grade classroom. Our Primary Academy also focuses on Religion. A very exciting part of the religion curriculum for our Second graders is preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The Primary Academy also has Specials – Art, Music and Spanish with one to one technology infused into all their subjects.
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades
Intermediate Academy
While our Primary Academy builds foundational skills, our Intermediate Academy spirals their learning from these skills. Continuing with our Pearson enVision math, this Academy learns multiplication, division, fractions, geometry, and pre-algebra. Our reading program varies from novel studies to focused reading applications.
As with the Primary Academy, the center of the Intermediate Academy is their study of religion; with a focus on the four pillars of Catholic identity – Catholic faith, worship, life, and prayer.
A big change for our fifth graders is they become eligible to participate in sports under our Athletic Department. And fourth and fifth can be part of the Band. The Primary Academy also has Specials – Art, Music and Spanish with one to one technology infused into all their subjects.
Sixth, Seventh, & Eighth Grades
Junior High Academy
Our Junior High Academy consists of grades 6, 7, and 8. Our English/Language Arts is set up in a block schedule and math, science, social studies, and religion are separate classes. Each teacher incorporates our faith into the subject studies. In religion class, our 6th graders study the Old Testament, our 7th graders study church history, and our 8th graders prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
All the Jr. High Academy students participate in service projects throughout the school and the community. Our Jr. High students may also participate in Student Council,Volleyball, Basketball, and many clubs such as Math, Drama, Chess, and Band.
Junior High also has Specials – Art, Music and Spanish with one to one technology infused into all their subjects.